Tiny Eden

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Pinterest Project - Combining Crafts and a Cure

I have to say that I am rather proud of myself for not going on to Facebook too much as well as not going onto Pinterest as much.  During the past few weeks, I have actually been productive and I have gotten alot of stuff done that I have wanted to do.  Sam finally came home after being in the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks.  The final diagnosis was a broken rib.  It had been like that for over a month.  They realized that there was not much that could be done in the hospital that he couldn't do at home.  Except for the morphine drip.  He came home with some new medications and quite a bit of new equipment.  Here is hoping for a speedy recovery so he can be ready for tennis again soon. 

On to my brilliant idea.  I am starting my Pinterest project - combining crafts and a cure.  For the next 52 weeks, I am going to be posting a blog each week about things that I have tried from Pinterest.  This will range from recipes, cleaning tips, crafts, fitness tips and anything else that might pop up on there.  I will try these out and then post how successful or unsuccessful I was.  So where does the "combining crafts and a cure" come in?  Any of the crafts that I make, I will also be replicating to sell.  I will donate 15% of the profits to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  This way, I can combine my love for crafting with my passion for raising money and awareness about cystic fibrosis as well as helping to find a cure for this awful disease.  There might be some weeks where I don't do a craft and just try tips.  Also, I will be featuring some of my own original craft projects with some tips from Pinterest.  The CF Foundation is working so hard to raise money in order to fund these drug trials which could potentially save my husband's life as well as give the generation of patients that I take care of a whole new lease on life.  Money buys science which in turn buys life.  The CF Foundation has spent millions of dollars as well as Vertex Pharmaceuticals.  Their recent drug discovery of Kalydeco has done wonders for the CF population with the gene that it targets.  The CF Foundation has done something AMAZING!  For more information regarding this fabulous organization, please visit www.cff.org

I will post my first Pinterest blog on Friday.  As I am typing this, I have my hair in a sock bun.  Hopefully it will turn out as planned.  Stay tuned for Friday when I will have my first of many Pinterest successes and fails.  Hopefully more successes than fails.  Thanks for checking out my blog and feel free to share it with your friends and family!

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ~Marcus Aurelius

"When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you... When I met you, I was afraid to kiss you...... When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you... Now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you." ~Marcus Aurelius

"It has been said that we need just three things in life: Something to do, Something to look forward to, And someone to love." ~Marcus Aurelius


Jessica Rosinski said...

This is amazing! Can't wait to see what you try and the results!!!

Amanda West said...

You're amazing and so is your plan!!! Can't wait to see the success:)

teenys mommy said...

So proud of you-you are awesome! Tried the sock bun by the way & liked it. pretty cute